Memorial Day Weekend. Wow. Quite a weekend. Here was the plan.
Saturday. Meet the folks to hand over Ushki.
Sunday. Pancake breakfast at the Firehouse with the extended family. Art & Wine Festival. Dinner at my inlaws.
Monday. Take the kids for their long awaited trip to Great America.
Here's the reality.
Saturday. Met the folks and handed over Ushki. They came here full of tails of Alaska and the fun they had on their trip. They brought pilmeni and we feasted. It was a nice long visit. The kids loved seeing Mimi & Bumpa again. We had a good time. I miss Ushki now that he's gone. He's mellowed into a nice dog. Greg and I played Toontown until around midnight that night. Totally fun to play it again.
Sunday. Pancake breakfast and Art & Wine Festival. Dinner. All that went as planned until we got home around 10:30pm. Already reported on Rosie's foot (see update in comments to that post). She's doing okay. I went to bed around midnight. Here's where the BIG changes started.
Midnight-thirty. Gage came into our room crying. He'd thrown up. Yup. Here we go again. So, I grabbed him into the bathroom as he started making gagging noises again. Greg was on clean-up duty this time (stripping bed, cleaning carpet). I made up an impromptu bed for us with his sleeping bag, sheets, and his quilts. I snuggled with him and his pot for the rest of the night. He threw up 11 times that night. Poor miserable kid. He was super brave about it -- just looking at me in the middle of all the wretching saying, "I don't like throwing up. I think it's a bad thing." Finally, around 6:00 am, I was done. He wanted to watch TV so I traded with Greg who had been awake and counting the sessions but got more sleep in between sessions that I had. He sat with him through two more sessions. And, then, he was fine.
But, we weren't even going to consider going to Great America -- rides and junk food on a delicate stomach? Mom and Dad with not enough sleep? Holiday weekend? I don't think so!
I slept until around 10:45 or so. We showered and got dressed and went out to breakfast. Our local Denny's is now the Scotts Valley Diner. Great breakfast. Gage got plain pancakes with no butter/no syrup. He was good with that and ate a lot, surprisingly. Then we took the kids to see Over The Hedge. Very cute movie -- they LOVED it. Half way through, Ruth turns to me and says, "I can tell this is meant to be a comedy." Greg and I had some big guffaws in it too.
Then we came home and puttered around the house. Greg cleaned up all the broken glass. I tended Rosie and washed off the deck. I did tons of laundry. We had dinner (stopped at the store and everyone got what they wanted for dinner). We just hung out. When the kids went to bed, Greg and I played ToonTown again. Totally relaxing. I got a GOOD night's sleep.
What a weekend.
California Towhee
multiple Barn Swallows
multiple Stellar's Jays
multiple Western Scrub Jays
female California Quail
multiple Acorn Woodpeckers
multiple Purple Finches
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