I'm done. And, done! Here is the current status in our house.
1. I turned in everything I could at 12:00 midnight last night. Damn. I did not finish one of my assignments. I am feeling REALLY down on myself right now. Are there reasons why I didn't finish LAST NIGHT????? Yup. Do any of them change the fact that I shouldn't have been finished 4 assignments last night? Nope. It just sucks. I screwed up. Not sure what the ramifications are yet. We'll see.
2. The Princess is WAY better but not before scaring the pants off me. In the midst of my cram session yesterday, I checked her temp at she was at 101.2. So, I gave her a dose of ibuprofen. 1/2 hour later, I checked her again -- still hot (really hot). Took her temp 103.9. Yup. That's a nice thing to see on the thermometer. So, I called the doctor who hadn't returned Mr Wonderful's call of that morning. The receptionist was not real helpful but she did finally figure out what to do and handed me off to a nurse. The nurse was awesome. Told me to give her Tylenol while she went and talked to the doctor. So, dosed her with liquid Tylenol (not an easy task -- she hates medicine) and waited. They called in a prescription for me to Walgreen's. And told me to give her a cool bath. Fortunately, this was when Mr W got off the phone (poor guy -- he's been swampped too) and took over. Gave her the bath (taking her temp right along) and let me know when she was down to 100.2 again. Whew! Then he went and got her meds (and got himself a glucose tester -- more on that later). With two doses of antibiotics in her, she hasn't needed any fever meds. Her temp got up to 100.2 again this morning but was at 97.7 (normal for her) this morning. YAY! First time she's had a temp below 99 since Monday night.
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