Last night was a teary, happy night for me. It was the Kindergarten Completion Ceremony for Gage. The teachers -- whom I adore -- are an evil lot bent on making mothers as weepy as possible. Terrible women. :) They had the kids sing wonderful songs. They had a slide show of all kinds of pictures set to sentimental music about transitions and changes and the amazing power of small children. Weep. Weep. Weep. Then we headed outside and the kids all shared a wish for the world -- to make it a better place and they released balloons into the world. One for each class. It was awesome. The kids watched and watched until the balloons disappeared into the sky. Amazing.
After that, we went out to dinner with my inlaws (thanks again!!!). We hit the local brewery and had a much too late dinner but it was great. The kids were good. The room was loud. The food was slow but good.
Transitions. Hard. Amazing -- looking ahead to the future. Looking behind at the past. I can't believe that I won't ever have a kindergartener again. Sniffle.