Left Friday after school and headed off to San Simeon State Park down near Hearst Castle on the coast. The drive down wasn't as hot as we'd expected -- thankfully. I was praying for fog and it was foggy. Perfect weather as far as I was concerned. Foggy evenings and nights and sunny but coolish days. Wonderful! We had a great time although there were some major SNAFUs. For one thing, we had a flat tire on the 5th Wheel. The good news was that it wasn't until we parked that it went flat so that was nice. We ran over some piece of metal. We hit an auto parts store and got some tire inflator stuff, sealant, and a 12 volt air pump. Worked great. The other major SNAFU was that I forgot when Greg's birthday was. I thought it was on Sunday so I thought I was ahead of the game when we started celebrating on Saturday afternoon -- of course, it was ON Saturday. Poor guy! Sigh. He took it well and seemed to enjoy the Martinis I made him as well as the great skirt steak we had for dinner. I drove most of the way home yesterday to give him a break and I bbqed at his parents as his dad didn't want to and seemed to think Greg should anyway. Bob would have but I was being slightly martyred at that point.
Today, I made him a cheese pie (secret family recipe) and he was thrilled! :)
Probably the most fun thing we did on the camping trip was go to the beach. I normally hate the beach and avoid going but I had fun once we were there. It's a very rocky beach -- and you can rock hound there. Greg and the kids built a fort that we defended from the encrouching tide. That was fun. We had fun doing that. Gage and Ruth had a blast in the water -- challenging the waves, running in and letting the waves come around their ankles. The water was freezing but we had a so much fun!
We took a drive up a really pretty canyon after that. So beautiful. We could totally imagine buying 5 acres there and setting up a place to park our RV and vacation there whenever we wanted to. Pipedream but a fun one. We love that area so much. My favorite thing to see down there is a gorgeous old farm between Harmony and Cambria. Gorgeous old farm house and barn. They raise Longhorn there which is totally fun. It's lovely.
I saw tons of birds. Most notable were Great Egrets -- probably saw a dozen on the trip. Also saw lots of Red-tailed Hawks, Turkey Vultures, Black Vultures. Saw a bunch of crows at the campground. Delightful birds. Lots of swallows at the campground too. Saw a bunch of Brown Pelicans flying around -- one group flew right over us. Greg said, "Please don't poop!" which delighted the kids to no end. And, thankfully, they didn't poop! Whew!
We're exhausted but it was fun. I got a bad sunburn on my left shoulder (driving in a tank top). Just finished peeling from the Great America burn and I got a new one. Lovely. What a sun dork I am.
Nothing new on the job front. Just waiting to hear about an interview for the 4/5 Combo job. Fingers crossed. Summer School continues. I don't love it or hate it. It just is. Some of the kids are great and some make me nuts. I will survive.